Saturday, March 1, 2008

About Taking the 7

This is a blog for class.

As usual, I use class as an excuse to do projects I've had in mind for a while. This will be a photoblog featuring strangers on the bus and their story of why they are taking the bus versus other forms of transportation.

Once a week, I hope to feature a bus driver as well and about what lead to them being a bus driver and their experiences. I hope it shows that the belief that only poor people ride the bus is incorrect and that everyday people from all walks of life need and use the bus daily.

Eventually, I would like to see additional bus routes, busses running after midnight, and better propaganda telling people that riding the bus is not only better for the environment, but also for their bank accounts and general health and wellness.


Here are some things I found on the Internet that relates to the current COTA bus system:

COTA Eliminating Advertising

Contact Info

To be filled in later...


These links will be added to over time.

Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) links:

COTA's main Web site
COTA Bus Schedules

Campus Area Bus System (CABS) links:

CABS general information
CABS maps

Drunken driving awareness and services:

Safe at Home - Designated driver service
List of taxicab services in or around Columbus
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)