Tuesday, April 29, 2008

On Hold

Taking the 7 is currently on hold due to a full schedule that requires me to drive to cut down on commute time.

Please see my new blog, YearofHope.blogspot.com - a daily photoblog.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Next Stop: Work

Name: Gary
Bus: #81
Date/Time: 12:15 p.m. - Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Commute: 1 bus, 15 minutes

Gary uses the bus to travel to and from work and has been using the bus all of his life. Although he can use his car, he chooses to take the bus because "it's cheaper, closer, and easier." He said he sees "a lot of drunk folks" and a lot of kids and other interesting people.

Did you know?

Most bars close in Columbus, Ohio around 2 a.m., but COTA stops busses at midnight. Columbus is the nation's 3rd drunkest city based on DUI and drunken driving accident statistics.

Source: http://www.43places.com/locals/view/106701